
Arraignment | First Court Appearance

Criminal Defense, Uncategorized
Arraignment | First Court Appearance Arraignment comes after the driver has been arrested and booked. Although drivers are not always booked in DUI arrests. The arraignment is the first court hearing in a DUI case. Majority of people arrested for DUI have never.....

Fighting Traffic Tickets in Washington State – Myth #2

Traffic Infractions, Uncategorized
Fighting Traffic Tickets in Washington State Driving is something all of us do every day. So we all have opinions about driving and traffic laws. Some people allege that there are special “tricks” to beat speeding tickets and other infractions. As a traffic.....

DUI Probation | Probation in Washington State DUI Cases

DUI, Uncategorized
DUI Probation | Probation in Washington State DUI Cases In Washington State, people convicted of DUI receive probation as part of their sentence. It is my understanding that many people do not know what their probation consists of. The Basics of DUI.....

Fighting Traffic Tickets in Washington State – Myth #3

Traffic Infractions, Uncategorized
Fighting Traffic Tickets in Washington State: Myth 3 MYTH #3: IF YOU DO WHATEVER THE OFFICER SAYS YOU WILL NOT GET A TICKET It is important to note that we are not suggesting that you should be rude to the officer or.....


Traffic Infractions, Uncategorized
TALKING YOUR WAY OUT OF A SPEEDING TICKET IN SEATTLE People always wonder how Seattle ticket lawyers win contested hearings. In some circumstances drivers are caught “red handed” and, to them, not even the best ticket lawyer in Seattle would be able.....

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